
"I Will Survive"

For oh so many reasons, hearing this song NEVER fails to put a smile on my face.

My high school girls, I know, can remember quite a few ... and fittingly, it all started with one of our random Meijer trips. Ah, the $6 Disco Mania compilation. :)

RobG and Natz ... you know at least one as well. Um, can we say, "Neon Cactus piano bar"?

And now this ... which quite possibly rivals the piano bar incident for its jaw dropability factor:

I'm not sure about the added vocals from the piano player, but all in all ... it's so funny, I even forgive the guy in boxer shorts for getting a couple of the lyrics wrong.


Remembering Minneapolis

Some of you know I spent three months in Minneapolis on a summer internship in 2001. A few of you know how much I liked it there and how I longed to return.

Those feelings had waned in the last couple of years, as I realized that really I wanted city life and maybe I just loved Minneapolis because it was the first place I lived that gave me that experience. It was no Muncie, and was that ever a good thing.

Then last night I started seeing stories on the Web about the I-35W bridge collapse. I hadn't thought much about Minneapolis as of late, but bits and pieces of fond memories resurfaced.

I-35W. It was a familiar name. I tried to remember why, but concluded it was likely because of the oodles of locator maps I had created, forcing me to quickly learn to differentiate between I-35W and I-35E when the interstate split. Nonetheless, I had a weird feeling about it. You hear things like this happening all the time, but it's a completely different feeling to hear it knowing you had likely crossed that bridge.

I went to bed hoping the people I so enjoyed working with were toiling away on a bridge graphic, and they hadn't happened to be ON the bridge.

This morning, I saw the image below in a Star Tribune slideshow (minus my added graphic elements), and the reason the I-35W bridge's name sounded so familiar became immediately clear. I had crossed that bridge hundreds of times in my short time there. I walked across the pedestrian bridge, looked to my right and saw cars crossing the bridge multiple times a week. A few times, I sat in traffic on the bridge waiting to take my exit.

It has been a weird day. I'm partially in love with Minneapolis again. It was there I felt certain I had made the right choice to change majors five times in college. It was the first time I forced myself out of my element. I left my car parked and used public transportation to get to work. I made myself live with a roommate I had never before met (it was only three months, and thank god for that ... we could have a whole other blog on stories from that alone). I walked a lot more (it was a mile and a half to walk across that bridge to get home). It was even the first place where I ever ate Chipotle.

I guess it seems like it was really just primer for how I'm living my life now, minus the roommate. I might pay $1,755 a month on rent to not have one of those, but it's definitely worth the expense! I've gone farther than just parking my car, and walking a mile and a half doesn't even seem that far anymore.

And now I'm just rambling, so with mushiness, I'm off. Here's to you, Minneapolis. As I focus now on returning to Indianapolis, I fear my time with you is over, but I'll love you always.